How The Heck Is Matcha Better Than Coffee?

matcha caffeine a tasty debate

Matcha is better than coffee.

Does it contain caffeine? Yes.

The caffeine in it is as much as caffeine in regular coffee, so, what’s the difference?

Coffee gives you a caffeine rush - a quick boost of energy, and then a caffeine crash. You tend to drink more and more each time you feel down.

This caffeine abuse increases your blood pressure and heart rate, giving you the caffeine jitters, and a jumpy and alarming feeling.

Caffeine can be addictive. Overuse of coffee can lead to long-term irritability, sleeplessness, and trigger anxiety.

Matcha caffeine is released bit by bit, giving a steady and longer-lasting energy boost, so you don’t have to replenish your fix.

Matcha also has L-Theanine, an amino acid. It gives you a sense of calmness.

With the steady non-jittery energy of matcha caffeine and the feeling of serenity provided by theanine, you get calm alertness that no other drink can afford you.

Make the switch to Matcha.



what the fuck is matcha

Matcha is made by powdering unique green tea leaves.

It traces its history in 12th century Japan where monks use the tea during ceremonies and meditation. It is said to have been used because of the tranquil mindfulness and focus it gave the monks.

It comes from the same leaves used in regular green tea - Camellia Sinensis. This plant originated from China but is now grown around the globe.

Plants used for Matcha production are grown in the shade - this increases caffeine and amino acids.

Unlike green tea, which is more like leaf-infused water, Matcha is a fine powder of ground tea leaves, and you prepare it like any powdered drink. The whole leaf is consumed and gives a more concentrated amount of benefits.

Like a regular cup of coffee, one cup of Matcha tea has about 70 grams of caffeine.

The difference between them is mostly in the way caffeine is released.

Matcha Caffeine: WHY NOT COFFEE?

why not choose coffee?

You can easily abuse caffeine by consuming coffee.

One cup of regular coffee gives you a caffeine rush that only lasts for 1 - 3 hours, which provides you with the tendency to want to drink more when you’re feeling low when you crash.

Most coffee drinkers cannot rely on their first cup of coffee to get them through even half the day. If you identify with this, you’re in trouble.

Caffeine is a psychoactive drug, and like many others, can have benefits when used correctly. Coffee also gives you antioxidants and other health benefits.

Still, the way it releases caffeine to boost your energy makes it very susceptible to abuse.

If you drink coffee all day, you also probably drink high-caffeine energy drinks during your workout. That’s too much caffeine!

Any caffeine intake between 300 to 400 mg a day is excessive and harmful for your health. That’s about 4 cups of regular coffee.

Should we mention that a shot of espresso has 212 mg of caffeine? Yes. Two Macchiato’s a day makes you a ticking time bomb.

Too much coffee can lead to:

  • Dehydration
  • Emotional weariness
  • Exhaustion
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Acidity
  • Palpitations
  • Insomnia
Long term coffee addiction can lead to depression.

The more you drink coffee, the higher your caffeine tolerance will become, and the more dangerous your dosage will increase.

One day you’ll be surprised that you’re surviving on one espresso shot per meeting, pointing at graphs with shaky hands.

Transition to a better alternative before the side effects get the best of you.


why choose matcha

Matcha caffeine content can give you the fix you need without the adverse consequences of coffee. It is the best alternative!

Like a regular cup of coffee, caffeine in Matcha is around 70 mg per cup.

Coffee caffeine release is like a fast roller coaster ride - you might feel pukey in the end. Matcha caffeine release is like a pleasant road trip to a beach - enjoyable in all stages.

The way Matcha steadily releases caffeine gives sustainable, long-lasting energy. It doesn’t give you a jolt, or a rush like coffee does. Matcha caffeine is released slowly in your body, making its effects longer and steadier.

You’ll never get caffeine addiction with Matcha.

To add to this, the L-Theanine in Matcha supplements the caffeine. This amino acid gives you relaxation without sedating you. It reduces stress levels and puts you in a state of calm, focused wakefulness.

Unlike coffee that can give you palpitations, Matcha helps lower your heart rate and blood pressure with the theanine.

Matcha is better for exercise than coffee and energy drinks!

A cup of Matcha can give you the energy that can last up to 4 to 6 hours. This steady energy, calm alertness, and zen-like focus give no rush, no crash, no addiction, a perfect state of mind to get you through the day.

Coffee, in its own right, has good antioxidants, but Matcha has more benefits.

A cup of Matcha contains 242 mg, Catechins, 39 mg L-theanine, 578 mg of Protein.

Catechins like EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), are antioxidants that reduce inflammation. They help your immune system and antibodies battle germs.

They also promote the growth of good bacteria and mitigate the chances of cancer. 

L-theanine improves attention, memory, and promotes the release of feel-good hormones. Endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin keep you happy and stress-free.

Matcha has a high content of dietary fiber: about 385 mg per 1 gram of powder.

It also contains essential vitamins like vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K.

Matcha also has minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron.

You can say that Matcha is a fresher-tasting, non-dangerous coffee alternative that acts as your vitamins and minerals tablet.

With Matcha, you have a healthier mental and physical capacity that improves your overall wellness.

Leave coffee. Matcha will make you sexy.


from coffee to matcha

For some, it will be easy; for some, there will be relapses.

The best way to transition from coffee to Matcha is to talk to your nutritionist so you can have professional advice and scientifically accurate portioning.

Here’s one way to DIY.

    • First, reduce your coffee intake to 2 cups a day. Some can do this cold turkey, but some might need to do tapering. For heavy coffee drinkers, tapering will help you manage withdrawal symptoms better. Take your time and make sure you get enough rest when you feel tired.
      • Ease away from drinking energy drinks during workouts. Remember, you need to cut your caffeine.
        • Replace the other cup of coffee with Matcha. If you can, start your day with Matcha instead and only use coffee if you feel you need it. Don’t torture yourself, but remember the benefits you want to have. Limit to one cup of each every day.
          • Change to decaffeinated coffee. There will come the point when you’re just looking for the smell of coffee. Get your good caffeine from Matcha while having some placebo effect with no-caffeine coffee
            • Eventually, you’ll love Matcha. As you slowly transition, you’ll meet the benefits that will make you drop your need for other beverages entirely.
              Have a go at it, and come back to this article a better, healthier, sexier you.

              Hopefully, you return to share this with people you love so they can be healthy.

              Be the proof that Matcha is fucking better than coffee.